vineri, 7 iunie 2013

Dancing on my own

Day 7 Lace wreath

Day 7

Lace wreath

Day 6 Flower field scarf

Day 6

Flower field scarf

foodfuckery: Pretzel and M&M Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe


Pretzel and M&M Chocolate Cheesecake


tastefullyoffensive: [via]



instagram: Instagrammers Visit Turkmenistan's "Door to...


Instagrammers Visit Turkmenistan's "Door to Hell"

To see more photos, browse the Derweze - Door to Hell at Karakum Desert location page and the #darvaza hashtag.

In the heart of the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan lies "The Door to Hell," a giant hole filled with eternally-burning fire. While drilling in 1971, Soviet geologists tapped into a cavern filled with natural gas and it collapsed beneath their drilling rig, leaving a hole 70 meters (230 feet) in diameter and 20 meters (65 feet) deep. In an attempt to prevent the cavern's poisonous gas from being released into the atmosphere, scientists decided to light it on fire and burn off the fumes. The gas is still burning today—40 years later—and a few brave Instagrammers have made the trek to the deposit to witness and document it in person.


scissorsandthread: DIY Inspiration At Home With Jen Lula | A...


DIY Inspiration

At Home With Jen Lula | A Beautiful Mess

While browsing the Beautiful Mess blog, I spotted this amazing wall art in Jen Lula's home. I've featured string & nail wall art before, and it's such a fun and creative way to add colour and texture to your place without a ton of effort. The nice thing is that it's always going to be unique depending on the string you use, the size of your letters, etc. I think I might need to go and buy some nails and wool tomorrow!


dramallamaknitting: One of my favorite projects that I've made...


One of my favorite projects that I've made - I knitted this out of Cascade 220 in order to teach myself different stitch patterns and techniques when I was first learning.

Chromatose on Ravelry

sensibleheart: <3




George R.R. Martin Being Adorable on Conan [x]

George R.R. Martin Being Adorable on Conan [x]

Well that's awesome! Thank you #myfitnesspal i wasn't sure my...

Well that's awesome! Thank you #myfitnesspal i wasn't sure my diet was making results, but now i am 100% sure

Sometimes these things just happen. You go to a shop and… Then...

Sometimes these things just happen. You go to a shop and… Then one thing leads to another.

We had a walking test today by our health center at work. You were supposed to walk 2 kilometers as...

We had a walking test today by our health center at work. You were supposed to walk 2 kilometers as fast as you can. They measured time and your heart beat at the finish line. I clocked in 18 minutes and some seconds. I was surprised that I could reach that fast already. We’ll be getting our results later on in the mail.

prettygirlfood: Bourbon Caramel Sauce Ingredients 1 cup sugar...


Bourbon Caramel Sauce


  • 1 cup sugar (+ 1/4 cup water)
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 1 Tbsp bourbon*
  • pinch of salt (optional)


  1. Simmer sugar and ¼ cup water on medium heat, swirling pan NOT stirring for about 15 minutes or until a deep amber color is reached. Watch closely as not to let it burn.
  2. Turn off burner and remove from heat and slowly add cream while stirring.
  3. Add pinch of salt and bourbon and place back on still-warm burner for another minute while stirring.
  4. Transfer to a heat-safe dish or bottle and let cool. Store covered in the refrigerator and bring to room temp or heat in a warm water bath before serving. You can also just simply microwave the jar for 30 seconds before each use without affecting the texture or flavor.

ronbeckdesigns: Recycled iMac 


Recycled iMac 

"The Red Wedding is based on a couple real events from Scottish history. One was a case called The..."

"The Red Wedding is based on a couple real events from Scottish history. One was a case called The Black Dinner. The king of Scotland was fighting the Black Douglas clan. He reached out to make peace. He offered the young Earl of Douglas safe passage. He came to Edinburgh Castle and had a great feast. Then at the end of the feast, [the king's men] started pounding on a single drum. They brought out a covered plate and put it in front of the Earl and revealed it was the head of a black boar — the symbol of death. And as soon as he saw it, he knew what it meant. They dragged them out and put them to death in the courtyard. The larger instance was the Glencoe Massacre. Clan MacDonald stayed with the Campbell clan overnight and the laws of hospitality supposedly applied. But the Campbells arose and started butchering every MacDonald they could get their hands on. No matter how much I make up, there's stuff in history that's just as bad, or worse."

- George R.R. Martin on the Red Wedding (via existentialcrisisfactory)

abandonedography: The Abandoned Ferris Wheel Spins Anyway


The Abandoned Ferris Wheel Spins Anyway



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