vineri, 7 iunie 2013

Grand Canterlot Cavalcade

mbulsht: crazytiny: grandcanterlotcavalcade: emdefmek,...




emdefmek, mbulsht

This week we discuss the Poni Parade vs. Musiquestria Tard Fight (hint: It hurt Musiquestria), Our ideal Pony Porn Games, The Legends of Equestria Open Letter, and finally we give our opinions on Equestria Girls. 

shownotes itunes rss direct

At around 45 minutes, they start to talk about LoE. At the hourmark, they have finished reading my wall of text and started to discuss things.

Yes, I'm a she. I'm a 24-year-old woman in Sweden studying at The Game Assembly. It's an awesome school and I learn so much every day, both within the craft, but also about teamwork and how projects work! We are right now doing our fourth game project, turned based strategy. The education is 8 gameprojects on half time, a whole lot of courses at the same time, and half a year internship at a game company (10% of students goes to Massive, developers of Assassin's Creed almost every year) over the course of 2,5 year. It's really intense.

No, I didn't create this tumblr just for this open letter, I'm just really lousy at blogging and was planning like a year ago that I was gonna post stuff on, like school assignments, but I just forget it all the time (And half the time I just consider it embarrassingly bad). I had a WIP-piece of the Ponyville bridge for LoE that I removed since I thought it looked horrible and I want to fill this one eventually with things I've learnt in school, starting after midsummer when I finally have FREE TIME.

The content in LoE isn't gone, it's just revoked from the gamedummy atm, and no, the demo from Galacon 2012 isn't a lie, that was what was there then, it just hasn't really been progressed since then what I have seen.

I want to see LoE happen too, I really do. But it needs some proper changes, starting with setting up rules for leads and members alike to protect them from things like this. And the members have to be allowed in that decision-making, that is not " a team lead issue", it's a team issue and their voices need to be equally valid.

If you want to read from Swebow, here is his statement.

Great podcast guys! It would be good if you could fix the audio for future podcasts since you have a little hummingbird going on there ;)

Rannva (the woman who wrote the open letter regarding Legends of Equestria) has officially responded to our take on her letter and clears up any mistakes we made.

Thanks, Rannva!


saliantsunbreeze: Commission for Emdefmek, looks like Mossadeq,...


Commission for Emdefmek, looks like Mossadeq, the mascot for the Grand Canterlot Cavalcade, is ready to cause some trouble.

Emdef wanted her done in Stripesocks proportions, and she's a robot, so it's feasible!.

emdefmek, mbulsht This week we discuss the Poni Parade vs....

emdefmek, mbulsht

This week we discuss the Poni Parade vs. Musiquestria Tard Fight (hint: It hurt Musiquestria), Our ideal Pony Porn Games, The Legends of Equestria Open Letter, and finally we give our opinions on Equestria Girls. 

shownotes itunes rss direct

If you need a reason to watch Attack on Titan, here it is:

Hahaha oh my god


Episode 63 We read responses to the PT episode, and HardestCopy...

Episode 63

We read responses to the PT episode, and HardestCopy says some shit and it's interesting. 

shownotes itunes rss direct




A discussion about Videos Games, the Gaming Industry and Attack...

A discussion about Videos Games, the Gaming Industry and Attack on Titan

 tunes rss direct

mbulsht: brokepegasus: I'm sorry, guys, I was listening to GCC...



I'm sorry, guys, I was listening to GCC again T~T


Something sexy this way cums

in which podcasters and brony media site people are retards

Scoot-Scootaloo (BronyState): ....has anyone gotten e-mails from this site?
[5:47:28 PM] DJ Shamrock (Celestia Radio): I haven't lol'd that hard in a long time
[5:47:31 PM] DJ Shamrock (Celestia Radio): thank you Scoots
[5:55:31 PM] Apple Cider (Bronyville): Thats what I see
[5:55:50 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): i want to sign up for this website now
[5:55:55 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): sign me up
[5:55:59 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): i want to date neckbeards
[5:56:20 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): i want to lick the cheetoh dust from their neck fat
[5:58:35 PM] Apple Cider (Bronyville): Silly M, that's not where I hide cheetohs
[5:59:10 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): shhhhhh sh sh shhhhh
[5:59:14 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC: neck fat cheetoh dust
[5:59:15 PM] DJ Shamrock (Celestia Radio): he hides them in his PENIS
Apple Cider (Bronyville): (blush)
[6:12:26 PM] Scoot-Scootaloo (BronyState): I kinda want to see the forums once they do have a sizeable amount of people, though
[6:12:46 PM] Scoot-Scootaloo (BronyState): "Brony seeking Pegasister to stroke each other's manes"
[6:13:44 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): hell I'll make a profile
[6:14:04 PM | Edited 6:14:33 PM] Mbulsht (Bronyville, GCC): "Brony seeking other bronies for casual Chance Stallion anal DP"

Podcast that I listen to(I don't listen to my own)


anime world order - anime

bronecast - MLP/Brony

bronyville - MLP/Brony Clean

destructoid's podcast - William Dafoe Movie Pitches/Gay Talk/Games

comedy button - comedy(with people from IGN, and Revision3)

clopcast - MLP Porn

fast karate for the gentleman - Gaming and anime

geeknights - Anime/Technology/Gaming

giant bombcast - Comedy/Gaming

HAWPcast - Gaming

internet box - Anime/Gaming/Internet/Comedy/Brony

lou reads the internet - Comedy/Gross

rebel FM - Gaming/Relationship Advice

knotcast - Furry/Relationship and Sex Advice

savage lovecast - Relationship and Sex Advice

uhh yeah dude - Current Event Satire/Comedy

99% invisible - Technology/Architecture

engines of our ingenuity  - Technology/Culture

Here are some other podcasts you guys can listen to.

Episode 62 - "An Evening With Purple Tinker" mbulsht, Purple...

Episode 62 - "An Evening With Purple Tinker"

mbulsht, Purple Tinker

Purple Tinker responds in an interview with Purple Tinker, with special guest Purple Tinker.

shownotes itunes rss direct

you know I never could find the episode with the Mexican music wich one is it?

sorry, I'm having trouble remembering which one. It was either episode 29 or one of the ones before, as episode 29 in our tumblr blog has the picture that Cytwex drew when he heard it happen.


GCC Logos since the beginning. We've had a lot considering...

Original Pilot Episode Logo (art by crookedtrees)

Prototype logo that was never used.

First Year Logo

Special Logo by Cytwex when Mbulsht's XLR cable was picking up a mexican radio station.

Current Logo

Special BUCKcon episode logo.

GCC/Knotcast crossover episode logo

Soviet GCC Logo (thanks to JC-Hoofton for the cyrillic letters!)

Zionist GCC Logo

GCC Logos since the beginning. We've had a lot considering we only have 62 episodes, but hey logo making is fun!

emdefmek: In regards to the hate the GCC and myself have gotten...


In regards to the hate the GCC and myself have gotten in regards to using the term "Trap" in the Equestrian Strumpet episode. 

This should apply everywhere. 

choangath: My vote for the GCC sponsorship. Celestia vector...


My vote for the GCC sponsorship.

Celestia vector cobbled together from Krusiu42 and Santafer.



What I think about the Grim Dark Panel at Bronycon


So I recently found out on tumblr and verified for myself that Bronycon had announced a new GrimDark Panel featuring Jitterbug Jive, Lil Miss Jay, and some other guy I never heard of. Now I have seen a lot of bitching about this, whether it be people complaining about the existence of the panel, or the people on it.

Regardless of how you feel about Lil Miss Jay, or Jitterbug Jive or the "genre" called GrimDark, if you want to talk about Grimdark then these 2 are your go to idiots on the matter, they both operate very successful tumblrs on the matter. It does not matter if you think LMJ is a elitist asshole who thinks he is the gods gift to art, or if you think Jitterbug Jive is a mentally unstable fucktard, they know Grimdark. I am not saying they should be banned from the con, they have every right to be there and hang out with their friends like any other attendee as long as they follow the rules.

Now to the point at hand, a Grimdark panel at Bronycon.

Let me just sidestep for a moment and go offtopic. There are several entities in this fandom that are representatives of the fandom to the general public and as such must present a positive light on the fandom.

A few of these entities are Equestria Daily, The Bronyville Podcast, and Bronycon, along with others. Whether you love or hate them or the people that run them, they are the face of the fandom to the public.

And whether or not they like it, they are the face of the fandom and as such must act accordingly. Sethisto rarely lets EQD go above PG-13 in content with only one or two exceptions, Apple Cider and Chef Sandy never so much as curse on their podcast, and they have an audio engineer that usually catches slip ups from guests.

Both cast a positive light on the fandom.

Then you have Bronycon, they are the physical form of the fandom. They are where Bronies and MLP fans of all ages can go and mingle in a safe and positive environment, barring a certain Fox Red Eye douchebag who tries to sneak in.

What I am saying is that Bronycon is a public all ages convention, that is how they have molded themselves and that is how the fandom and the public sees Bronycon.

A Grimdark panel does not work in Bronycon's image at all, just like a Rule 34 panel would not work.

We as a fandom have in general have mostly tolerated and protected these subsets of the fandom from the public. This is not an argument against Grimdark or Rule 34. Most people know how much I live Rule 34, I run a freaking podcast that covers it.

This is an argument against having such material in a venue that is so open to the public.

Sethisto does not allow such content on EQD, Apple Cider and Chef Sandy do not allow such content on their podcast, Bronycon should not allow such a panel in their venue.

That being said.

I do not know if Bronycon will shut down the panel, but here are some common sense tips they should follow, and for anyone going they should notice and complain to the con heads if they do not do these things:

Have the panel late at night, past children's bedtimes.

Check IDs at the door. Assign volunteers to check IDs, actually check them meaning look at the picture and person, and look at the birth date  Turn away anyone underage. Demand either a State or Federal ID or Driver's License, or a Passport for attendees from other countries.

If a parent wants to enter with someone underage either turn them away or make them sign a legal waiver protecting the LMJ, Jitterbug Jive, and Bronycon from any liability.

Guard the entrances from the outside with volunteers. Do not allow people to sneak in, lock unattended door with permission from the Fire Marshall. If someone leaves to use the toilet, make then present their ID again to gain entrance.

This all may sound like overkill, but if you want to protect the image of the fandom, and shows that the fandom can be responsible with such topics, and protects yourself from liability.

These tips should apply to any con with is open to all ages and wishes to have Adult Only Panels.

peace and titty grease,



Episode 61: Traps and Delusions Starring: emdefmek(The Fat Man...

Episode 61: Traps and Delusions


emdefmek(The Fat Man with the Phat Plan)

mbulsht(Audio Extraordinar)

pominator(Pikey Smasher)

tetrapony(GCC Trophy WIfe)

We analyze, compare and review cookware from both the Grand Canterlot Cavalcade and Friendship is Witchcraft, then Mbulsht makes Emdefmek's Stomach do the Zoot Suit Riot.

shownotes itunes rss direct

Quick plug for another MLP Podcast out of Nebraska. I plugged...

Quick plug for another MLP Podcast out of Nebraska. I plugged them in the next episode but I figured I'd give them a post here.

If you want a another podcast about ponies and shit then check them out.

Episode 61 is a ground breaking episode in GCC history, because...

Episode 61 is a ground breaking episode in GCC history, because something happened in the fandom that made somebody actually throw up.

Guess who threw up?

dreadbaron: So today I decided to learn how to make a...


So today I decided to learn how to make a circle in Minecraft, and halfway through I had the thought to make it a tribute to one of my favorite podcasts.

This is for the Grand Canterlot Cavalcade, truly the most awesome brony podcast going today.

holy crap, this is so awesome due! Thanks!

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